I thought I'd start a new regular article on my blog. I'm going to post some writing exercises in which you can work on some writing elements.
Your first writing exercise is going to be a first mission. There are a few types of writers in the industry: a technical writer, a dialogue writer, plot writers, and mission writers. I'm going to start you out with a mission writing exercise.
Background: Rhet is a dark elf that lives in a secluded forest village. He only has one weak spell: Lightning.
Task: Give Rhet a task to do in the village or forest involving his lightning spell. Remember that this will be the first mission within the game, so do not make it too difficult or long. Write a basic overview of what the mission is, what tasks are involved for Rhet to complete his task, and if you wish throw in some dialogue that will be exchanged in this mission.
Feel free to post them up here!
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